In the world of gaming, especially for fans of the Far Cry series, the anticipation for the next installment, Far Cry 7, is building up with some exciting changes on the horizon. Ubisoft seems to be gearing up to shake things up in the seventh part and inject some fresh elements into the gameplay experience.

Previous Installments

Far Cry 6, the most recent release in the series, took players back to the beloved jungle and tropical environments that many fans adore. However, despite the return to familiar settings, some players felt that the game lacked substantial innovations. Even with the star power of Giancarlo Esposito, the game didn’t quite reach the same level of favoritism among players as some of its predecessors.

Significant Changes in Far Cry 7

A recent job posting by Ubisoft has caught the attention of fans as it hints at significant changes in Far Cry 7. The posting, specifically looking for a gameplay animator, suggests that the upcoming game may introduce a rear-view Third-Person Shooter (TPS) mode alongside the traditional First-Person Shooter (FPS) mode.

Dual Perspective Gameplay

The job posting details that both the FPS and TPS modes will feature the exact same animations, indicating that players will have the flexibility to seamlessly switch between the two perspectives during gameplay. This dual perspective approach is reminiscent of games like Starfield and promises to offer a new dimension to the Far Cry experience.

Expanding TPS Mode

While TPS view was already present in Far Cry 6 during certain segments like camps, the expansive list of animations mentioned in the job posting suggests that TPS mode in Far Cry 7 will be available across the entire open-world gameplay, making it an optional but immersive feature for players.

Engine Upgrade

In addition to the gameplay changes, Far Cry 7 will also see an engine upgrade. The Dunia game engine, which powered previous Far Cry titles, will be replaced by the Snowdrop engine. This engine switch is significant as Snowdrop has been known for its application in Third-Person Shooter games like The Division series, indicating a potential shift towards a more TPS-friendly gameplay experience in Far Cry 7.

As fans eagerly await more details and official announcements from Ubisoft, the prospect of exploring the lush landscapes of Far Cry 7 in both FPS and TPS modes is sure to excite players looking for a fresh take on the renowned franchise.

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