Apple phone with bendable display:

The release of Apple’s phone with a bendable display was previously expected in 2026, but the recent filing of a new patent suggests that additional time might be needed for development.
The patent outlines that the display will not only be bendable but also equipped with self-healing capabilities, allowing it to repair damage automatically without external intervention.
The self-healing technology relies on advanced materials that can fill in injuries on the display without requiring manual repairs.
Despite the excitement surrounding this innovation, there are lingering questions about how this additional layer will impact the user experience and image quality.

Patent and product development:

It’s essential to bear in mind that the existence of a patent does not guarantee the existence of a finished product. Apple has filed numerous patents in the past that never materialized into actual products. Often, these patents serve as a means to safeguard their unique ideas and technologies from competitors.

In conclusion, while Apple’s concept of a bendable, self-healing display phone is undoubtedly intriguing, it may still require more time for development before becoming a reality in the market.

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